Haze Slips

Beowulf on PSP drops back

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SPOnG's next visit to Ubisoft.
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Ubisoft's latest release schedule bears bad news for PS3 owners. The company's upcoming AAA, Free Radical-developed narcotically political shooter, Haze, has slipped.

It's not quite slit-your-wrists time though - we're only talking a couple of weeks. The game was previously slated for a November 31st release for the PS3 only, but will now find its way into shops on December 14th.

Other slips include the PSP version of Beowulf, which has dropped from November 23rd - when the PS3 version ships - to December 7th. You'll also no doubt be as gutted as SPOnG to learn that Telly Addicts has been pushed back to November 30th on the PS2 and January for the Wii!

Haze's delay, it must be said, is a bit of a blow. It's one of the few (timed) platform exclusives that might give the PS3 a bit of momentum in the run up to Christmas, especially following this week's poor Charts performance from Ratchet & Clank.

SPOnG was mightily impressed by what we saw of Haze when we went to visit Free Radical. Our epic chat with the game's screen writer and project leader, Rob Yescombe and Derek Littlewood, got us even more intrigued.

Anyway, two weeks we can live with. But waiting 'til January for Telly Addicts on the Wii? Next time SPOnG speaks to Ubisoft, heads are gonna roll...


SuperSaiyan4 13 Nov 2007 11:43
'The company's upcoming AAA, '

As I said last time, where do you get this information from??

This game is by no means a AAA title, I was looking forward to it until I heard it not that great from previews and then heard it was multi platform.

Also what is funny is that after mentioning this game on the official PS3 forums on how I was looking forward to it many actually turned around and said 'it doesnt look that great, i wont be getting it'

And that was from a few people.

No one even has made any posts on praising the game or going all hyped up about it.

You want a AAA title? Go look at Assasins Creed, now thats a game everyone cant wait to get their hands on.
Oh and Mass Effect ;-)
PistolPete 13 Nov 2007 13:14
"I was looking forward to it until I heard it not that great from previews and then heard it was multi platform."

Fair enough, previews should educate an opinion (though in the case of Haze, I'd be inclined to trust the quality of the gameplay - from Timesplitters (2 rather than 3 admittedly) and I can hold a level of excitement for the story after completing Second Sight, a most original game, in terms of screenplay, voice-acting etc.) However, You say previews changed your opinion - previews themselves being somewhat opinionated - seems like you're contradicting yourself: "where do you get this information from??" Spong is claiming (I'd say rightfully) that the game seems impressive, other web-sites say otherwise. Can you see what my point is? You're holding one opinion as more valid than the other, and basing your own on this weight, even though you've yet to play it. This seems silly, frankly. You're attacking a claim you have no first hand experience of with a claim you have no first hand experience of.

Oh, and the comment "and then heard it was multi platform" makes me sick. Why in f**ks name is this always an issue?
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realvictory 13 Nov 2007 13:15
Yeah, I don't care either, because it gives me time to play Mario Galaxy and Assassin's Creed.

Anyway, "AAA" is another one of those rubbish buzz-words. Either you like a game, or you don't! How about if someone made an "AAAA" game? Then would all the AAA games become invalid?

"I was looking forward to this game until someone told me it wasn't very good, so now I'm not" - come on - does that really add any value to the opinion you're trying to put forward in the first place!

People tell me Mario Sunshine was a disappointment, but that doesn't mean I threw it in the bin; because the important thing is, I played it, and I liked it, and I knew what the other people were missing, which is in fact their own problems, not mine.
SuperSaiyan4 13 Nov 2007 13:20
The matter of the fact is already from previews its not being highly rated AND there has been NO buzz or excitement about this mediocre shooter.
config 13 Nov 2007 13:26
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
'The company's upcoming AAA, '

As I said last time, where do you get this information from??

"AAA" is a well established (PR/marketing bullshit) term used to classify a title that receives a lot of attention and gets a big marketing push. It's unusual for publishers to devote time and money giving a s**t game the "AAA" treatment - though not unheard of.

Given this year's Q4 line-up, given the hype, coverage and the developer's pedigree, I'd put Haze very much in the "AAA" frame
SuperSaiyan4 13 Nov 2007 15:10
Well not sure where you have heard all this 'buzz' about HAZE but I check the net all the time for game news and I have not seen as much footage or info in comparison to Assasins Creed and Mass Effect.

HAZE is no way had the same hype nor does it have the same interest meaning it is NOT a AAA title.
Brian Murphy 13 Nov 2007 15:42
Nobody's hyping it on PS3 Forums, because Ubisoft has it's own Haze forum. Hazegame.com. We have all been waiting for quite a long time for this game...I've had it pre-ordered since June. Yes, it will in fact be a Triple A title, especially given that the folks from Rare who created Goldeneye, Timesplitters and Perfect Dark are the ones at Free Radical designing the game. I wasn't really all that impressed with what I've seen on Mass Effect, so I'll have to take your word for it. But Haze is something I've been drooling over for awhile.
config 13 Nov 2007 16:12
Colour me puzzled. FRD/Ubi has been trickling out Haze teaser vids and screens since April this year.

That alone is classic "AAA" marketing behaviour

OptimusP 13 Nov 2007 16:39
what is an AAA titel anyway? It seems these days that a AAA-title are the games with the most hype behind them and not necessarry the same-level quality.
I see Endless Ocean and Zack & Wiki as AAA titles because of their potential but they get almost no buzz at all. Assasin Creed seems riddled with a lot fundemental flaws, Mass Effect is a western RPG with some cosmetic new twists (instant boredom for me) and Halo is the reason why i don't play FPS-games anymore expect ones with real hardcore action or with real new twists to the genre.

So yes, the moniker 'AAA-title' are very subjective by its very nature.
Anon 13 Nov 2007 17:29
Where has it been confirmed that Haze is a timed exclusive? Last I heard this game started as a multiplatfrom with the PS3 as lead platform, but Ubisoft decided to abandon development on other platforms?

Until it is confirmed otherwise it should be assumed that Haze is a PS3 exclusive. I'm tired of sites continually knocking PS3 exclusives, just because they've lost a few exclusives in the past (mainly due to the long launch delay) doesn't mean they will loose every exclusive they've got! I'm sick of seeing little comments implying the likes of MGS4, FFXIII and Haze won't remain PS3 exclusives!

Unless it's confirmed from official sources you should refrain from spreading rumours and misleading comments in your articles...
OptimusP 14 Nov 2007 16:26
Haze as a timed exclusive is actually unofficially confirmed like the Xbox Elite was unoffcially confirmed.

It stems from people talking to the producers of the game saying "Haze PS3-exclusive? big joke...two months max" on several big events over a beer and a burger. So it is unofficially confirmed.

Sony offcourse likes to keep the official announcement that it will be multi-platform delayed as long as possible.
Bentley 15 Nov 2007 14:30
Folks, don't forget that SuperSaiyan4 is a 360 fanboy who relishes every opportunity to have a dig at everything PS3. To be honest, reading his constant drivel has put me off coming to SPOnG. Fortunately, I know that he who laughs last laughs longest, and things will turn around for PS3 eventually. At which point wind-up merchants like SuperSaiyan4 will have egg on their faces along with all the Bill Gates sperm.

Anyway, I watched some Haze vids with a friend and it looked great. Slightly concerned that the bad-guys will be limited to a few character types, but technically it looks top. We're suspicious that Assassin's Creed will be arse, given all the stupid twists where you are actually playing as a yob in a hoodie. And we all know not to listen to SuperSaiyan4's blithering biased bullshit.
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