A remake of Robocop for PlayStation 2 confirmed

Cyborg law enforcement returns!

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A remake of Robocop for PlayStation 2 confirmed
Infogrames has announced that it will be showing a new Robocop title in for PlayStation 2 at E3. The show is in Los Angeles this May. We know you’re smiling as you read this.

The Robocop brand, which will be given a well-deserved resurrection, was originally a poor platformer, typical of Ocean’s film licences of the day. A playable 3D game, Robocop 3 was issued on Amiga long before the third Robocop film. The new game will be a stylish first person shooter.

The new game is set to follow a kind of plot medley from the Robocop trilogy of films, and will not in any way feature anything from the awful TV series. Thank god for that!

As the game is an FPS, you will be given access to all the onboard systems available to Robocop and will have to follow the strict directives laid down by the OCP Corporation. Watch out for that directive 4 though, it’s a real killer.

As we said, Robocop debuts at E3 and will be released before Christmas this year.


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