At Last: Last Starfighter Game Finished

One Gunstar? Against the whole Armada? It'll be a slaughter!

Posted by Staff
Catherine Mary Stewart, who you will of course remember as Maggie Gordon in LSf.
Catherine Mary Stewart, who you will of course remember as Maggie Gordon in LSf.
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Now, some of you will only have heard legends of The Last Starfighter - a film that unlike any other ever produced (except maybe War Games with Ferris Bueller) changed people's lives forever.

The Last Starfighter hit movie screens back in the pre-history that was 1984. Anybody who was anybody emerged from their bedrooms and slunk off down to the local Odeon to see it - and from it dreams of greatness were dreamt.

One such dream was of the game of the movie, and this was supposed to be fulfilled by the then supreme Atari organisation. Although a prototype of the game did see the light (see images below), the actual home video game version never came to light. Some believed an alien conspiracy. Others believed that the movie was - at the time - seen as a faddish tie-in using B-rated actors, so Atari got bored with it - renaming it to Star Raiders II.

Well, the wait is finally over as an organisation called Rogue Synapse has made its latest PC-compatible, WORKING version of the actual arcade game used in the actual film free to download. So, now you to can be Alex Rogan/Beta Alex as you defeat the evil Xur.

Sadly we don't think it's possible to win the hand of Maggie Gordon though...but who knows with magic like this? Visit Rouge Synapse to download this freeware game.


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