Eternal Sonata Quavering On Xbox Live Arcade

Time to get your money out and go Chopin'?

Posted by Staff
Frédéric Chopin: ecstatic about being included in a video game from Japan.
Frédéric Chopin: ecstatic about being included in a video game from Japan.
Still not made your mind up about whether to buy the quirky yet fabulous Eternal Sonata (of the spotless behind)? Well, you can now try the demo, which is live on European Xbox Live Markeplace servers as we type.

Here's what we're told about the quirky Japanese RPG, "The demo comprises an early part of the game and follows characters Polka, Allegretto and Beat as they explore the Path to Tenuto, Tenuto Village and Heaven’s Mirror Forest. Along the way players will be able to sample the unique features which make Eternal Sonata such a remarkable game, including vibrant visuals, unique storyline, innovative combat features, and the beautiful music of Chopin as played by prize-winning Russian-born pianist Stanislav Bunin."

There you bloody well have it.


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