Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty With Strings Attached

Nazis invade New York to be serenaded by the man who made Ratatouille music...

Posted by Staff
Nazis in New York? And not the Soup kind...
Nazis in New York? And not the Soup kind...
Codemasters has released a behind-the-scenes video showing the orchestral recording of Michael Giacchino’s score for Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. Codies is calling the game an, "alternate-reality WWII FPS, currently in development at Spark Unlimited".

We love alternative realities... they're so much more interesting than real ones. We hope this time around that Private Ryan doesn't get sent to France and that Charlie Chaplin takes over Germany... In Turning Point, however, the Nazis actually invade New York - bet they can't get a cab either.

Giacchino, wields has wielded his baton and mixing desk in such media marvels as TV's Lost, cinema's The Incredibles and Ratatouille; and games such as (no, not 'such as'... we mean, exactly) Medal of Honor and Call of Duty.

“In scoring the soundtrack, it was all about finding the emotional centre of the game, which is the story,” explains Michael Giacchino who then goes into some detail.

“To present an America that we recognise but in an altered reality setting, we changed the make up of the orchestra and removed trumpets from the brass section. In a traditional WWII game or movie, trumpets are used to give an American flavour. However, to mirror Turning Point’s major theme, we have stripped that layer of Americana away.”

Giacchino’s score was performed by the 76-piece Hollywood Studio Orchestra and recorded at the Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California.

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty is coming in 2008 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Don't forget to get your hit of alternative reality on our dedicated Turning Point: Fall of Liberty Page, right here.


Joji 18 Oct 2007 16:20
I love the look of this game, I'll be getting a 360 copy.
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