Mysterious Capcom Countdown Spotted

PS3 announcement on the way?

Posted by Staff
Mysterious Capcom Countdown Spotted
A mysterious countdown has appeared on Capcom's website heralding the announcement of... well, if we knew it wouldn't be mysterious.

At the time of press there's four days and fifteen hours left on the clock, putting the announcement at 5am on Wednesday GMT, or the more sociable hour of 1pm if you're in Japan.

The only clue as to what the countdown is for comes in the form of a forum posting from Christian Svensson, Sr. director of Strategic Planning & Research for Capcom. Responding to a poster saying Capcom has abandoned "their PS3-owner fans", Svensson wrote, "Let's see how they feel at the end of next week about us."

Guesses as to what's going on over at Capcom in the Forum please. You can see the timer for yourself here.


Dreadknux 12 Oct 2007 15:54
It'll probably be a list of five exclusive games for the platform. Two of which will get canned in about six months, two will be ported to a more popular platform in a year's time with the only exclusive left being so terrible it's not worth porting.

God I love Capcom.
daz 12 Oct 2007 15:58
so much faith in the PS3 you have
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Joji 12 Oct 2007 20:08
This is probably just the thing for SSF2T remix. I bloody well hope so.
Tim 12 Oct 2007 20:47
RE5 PS3 exclusive?
daz 12 Oct 2007 22:41
Tim wrote:
RE5 PS3 exclusive?

That would be cool
Earl 15 Oct 2007 16:18
No, capcom would actually like to sell some games so ps3 only would be comercial suicde
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