Beowulf: Historical New Trailer

When kings gets stoned

Posted by Staff
Beowulf: Historical New Trailer
Ubisoft has just blasted out the latest trailer for its upcoming historical hack-'n'-slash, Beowulf The Game.

The trailer is an interesting take on the traditional, 'meant-to-get-your-juices-flowing' trailer format. Ubisoft's not trying to wow us with the game's technological prowess or thrilling game mechanic. The publisher is taking the opportunity to intellectually justify the translation of one of the world's oldest poems into a computer game, regaling us with the epic's literary qualities.

Ubisoft also tells us that the monster slayer/king would often go into battle intoxicated on mushrooms to the point where (in the game) he might not be able to tell friend from foe. It all sounds suspiciously similar to another upcoming Ubisoft blockbuster, Haze...

For more on Beowulf, visit SPOnG's dedicated game page.



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