Soul Calibur IV: Sexy New Footage - Yes, Sexy!

Chicks in armour inside

Posted by Staff
Soul Calibur IV: Sexy New Footage - Yes, Sexy!
Heads up! Next-gen folk with swords incoming! Dangerous is what that is - especially when they're covered in armour. All that makes it just as well they're confined to the latest video from Soul Calibur IV below.

It's actually a little known fact about SPOnG that we dig chicks in armour (that's right, there are people in the office who still use the word 'chick'). But... well, the kind of lady who puts herself in a big ol' hunk of armour tends to not take too much pride in her appearance. They'll often go for several days at a time without shaving vital bits of themselves, and sometimes they smell a bit fusty. Which is why it's so rewarding for us to see a chick in armour who's taken the time to apply a bit of lip gloss... and even a beauty spot!

We are well and truly reconstructed modern, new-aged men here in SPOnG!

Anyway, the trailer's below for you to dig into. When you're done, head over to SPOnG's dedicated game page for more. Enjoy!



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