Warner Steps Up European Games Division

New Looney Tunes offices in London and everything

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Warner Steps Up European Games Division
Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment is stepping up its, err, game in Europe, opening a dedicated head office for its game publishing division in London and announcing today that industry veteran Chris Meredith (pictured here on the left with Warner boss, Ron Scott) is to head up the US giant’s march into Europe.

Meredith has put in his time at the coalface of gaming, initially involved in the launch of PlayStation in Europe, then MicroProse, 3Dfx and later setting up Majesco Entertaiment’s European division.

Meredith and his team will be based in the European head office in London, managing local offices in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, as well as the Nordic and Benelux regions.

“We have a strong commitment to growth in the European market and to do that our strategy is to hire the best in the business”, said Warner’s Ron Scott.

“Chris’s extensive experience in European gaming and the interactive space in general will be of great value to us as we build our European business.”

“Opportunities like this are very rare. I’m therefore delighted to be joining a company with such a great brand portfolio and massive potential within the games sector,” said Meredith. “There are challenges ahead, but we certainly intend to be a significant force in European games publishing.”

Watch out Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal, the first self-published Warner game in Europe to be released this November on PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS on November 30th.

source: MCV


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