SimCity Societies: Smoggy New Screens

EA gets sneaky...

Posted by Staff
Electronic Arts has released a fresh batch of screens for the next SimCity release: Societies. It's going to wish it didn't, though, because now SPOnG's onto it.

That's right, we've spotted what EA's game is with the whole "social energies" thing. We know why the publisher wants players to be able mix and match elements of the game to produce distinct feels to their cities. How do we know? We know, because EA's slipped a grimy, industrial, smog-covered vista in there. It's under-the-table future dystopianism, that's what it is. EA wants us all to build miserable cities of the future where our moral choices affect the outcome of the game. SPOnG's on to you, EA...

You can find out more about the sinister SimCity Societies over on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


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