The Simpsons: Spoofy New Video

Just, whatever you do, don't have a cow

Posted by Staff
Electronic Arts has just let fly a brand spanking new trailer for the upcoming game of The Simpsons, and SPOnG has it below for you to take a chuckle at.

Now, SPOnG loves The Simpsons. We are, after all, humans. We also think Electronic Arts is OK, too. That doesn't alter the fact that we're a bit taken aback to realise that this game might actually be quite good. EA has done what looks like a damn fine job of capturing the look of the series, to the point where the footage below looks like a 3D version of the venerable TV show.

You can find out more about The Simpsons on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


deleted 11 Sep 2007 14:54
"Oh My God, Oh My God, I danced with a gay"

the simpsons rules!
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