DS Gets Dolphin Friendly

Insert inappropriate joke about tuna fishing here

Posted by Staff
When SPOnG woke up this morning and headed down to the dolphin enclosure for a bit of a swim, something felt a bit wrong. After beating them in a few races and making them leap through a few rings of fire, we realised what it was: the blighters are in 3D! Nope, what we really need is yet another addition to the virtual pet genre to make our DS catalogue more complete. Thank the deity of your choice for 505 Games and Dolphin Friends, eh?

Set for release on November 9th, Dolphin Friends challenges players to... well, look after a dolphin basically.

First up, because dolphins aren't simple creatures, you'll need to make friends first. Trawling the eastern Pacific with tuna nets we're told, is not the way to do this. Rather, you'll need to communicate with them in order to gain their trust rather than reticence.

Once you're bestest buds it'll be time to get a routine worked out. You'll train your new pal to do tricks by mapping these out on the touch screen before showing them off to a crowd for affirmation of your dolphin's right to exist.

If you're struggling with all that, you can always leaf through the built-in dolphin encyclopaedia.

505 Games tells us, "With no strict objectives to achieve or time limits to keep an eye on, Dolphin Friends is the perfect companion game to keep young hands busy whilst educating them on the life and habits of the most charming of sea creatures." Does "no strict objectives" mean "no real point other than to cash in on the success of Nintendogs"? Time will tell.

For more information and screens, head over to SPOnG's [url=http://www.spong.com/game/11043439]dedicated Dolphin Friends game page.


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