Boo Hoo! Rock Band Slips to 2008

Tell us it’s not true EA. Tell us!

Posted by Staff
Here’s a filthy, vicious rumour that SPOnG doesn’t like doing the rounds today. Rock Band is supposedly not going to be made available in Europe till early 2008, missing the vitally important Christmas sales season.

SPOnG has put calls into EA and Harmonix today and we will continue to badger both companies for a confirmation on the European release date of Rock Band, one of our most-wanted games from E3 this year.

Charles Huan, the man behind Red Octane/Activision’s rival title Guitar Hero, says that manufacturing the peripherals is the most likely cause for any delay, he told MCV earlier that, “We've had many, many years of working with peripherals and we know how difficult it is to produce sufficient quantities for a worldwide launch,” he said.

We've just been served with the requisite ‘no comment’ from EA’s UK PR department, which means that we are forced to file this rumour under 'S.A.R.' (Still A Rumour) until we get official word otherwise. Strange though, that the company wouldn't simply say, "No it's tosh and nonsense, it's not slipped at all".

Still, the good news is that Christmas 2007 may still be saved by Guitar Hero III (pictured here) which definitely WILL be out in the UK in November, featuring the Stone Roses and a bunch of other soon-to-be-announced Madchester and Britpop favourites.

What's more, with the two-player co-op online play, new boss battles and shiny HD makeover the game really did stand out when we saw it at Edinburgh Interactive Festival yesterday. So watch this space for more on that in our fully detailed Red Octane/GH3 interview later this week.


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