So, not only are the good people of North America enjoying an August re-branded as '
Metroid Month' for their Wiis, Nintendo has also snuck in the Wii Ware channel.
Wii Ware - is the channel given over to 'small' and 'independent' companies (or really bright individuals with a lot of time) to upload their own Wii-based creations in order to find fame and fortune.
Why both
Metroid Month and the Wii Ware channel should have to be USA-centric is beyond SPOnG this morning. Come on, the world's one single, interconnected item now - there are Wiis everywhere. Frankly, we're appalled that a globalizing organisation such as the mighty Nintendo can't switch on channels and get us a look at the
Metroid Prime: 3 Corruption on the same day as our good friends over the water.
But apparently, the UK won't get Wii Ware until next year...