Now It's PC Motion Controlled Gaming! Vid Here

or "How to break your laptop"

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Now It's PC Motion Controlled Gaming! Vid Here
The influence of Nintendo's Wii gets everywhere these days, with the latest motion-controlled game to be announced today going by the does-what-it-says-on-tin name of Balance. The interesting thing about Balance though is that it is on laptop.

Be warned though that you'll need to have a specific laptop because, "Balance uses IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad’s Active Protection System’s mechanism to detect motion of the laptop."

Hungarian developer Kampo Interactive informs us that Balance can be controlled by a standard mouse or, more interestingly, by Kampo’s own ActionXL PC Motion Controller or even by just tilting your laptop (see the video below), should it have the tilt sensors built into certain manufacturers' laptops that sense when the machine is dropped to protect its hard disk.

However, should you choose to play Balance like this in an airport lounge or anywhere in public for that matter, SPOnG cannot be held responsible for what might happen or for the concerned looks you might attract!

Balance is pretty much a virtual version of Labyrinth, the wooden board game where players steer a ball through a maze to a target. Balance features over 75 levels and will be regularly updated with new ones to keep players coming back for more 'simple to learn yet difficult to master ball balancing frustration' apparently. Check the video below to see what it's all about.

Here's the Balance vid, see what you think:



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