World of Warcraft Movie Set For 2009

$100 million to be spent

Posted by Staff
Some concept art from the film.
Some concept art from the film.
The first solid details about the upcoming World of Warcraft movie have come out of Blizzcon over the weekend. The producer, Thomas Tull (300, Superman Returns), has said that the film has a projected 2009 release date and a budget of over $100 million (£49 million).

Some plot details have been pinned down, too, although the film is still in the scripting process. Tull informs us:

“It’s actually not like the great adventure. It’s not so much a quest movie. It’s more of a war movie. Well, okay, it’s absolutely a war movie. Cultures grinding up to a horrible moment where it just all spills over and gets out of control. Less of an adventure party quest-type situation. More of an armies building to an inevitable conclusion type situation.”

The film will apparently revolve around a “badass” new hero, and will be told from the Alliance's perspective a year before the start of World of Warcraft. “While my heart lies with the Horde and Thrall’s an interesting character, from a movie making standpoint, a blockbuster movie its a little rough to try and tell it from the perspective of this green looking dude”, Tull said.

Various plot strands will be woven together to produce a two and a half hour long film.

Tull also reported that, while no director or cast have been locked in, talks are underway. “We are starting those conversations. We’re going to be looking for someone of Zak Snyder (300) or Chris Nolan (Batman Begins) calibre.” That's certainly good news to SPOnG's ear. Legendary Pictures is looking at directors with a proven track record of taking successful properties from other mediums and making top tier films out of them.

Some fans may be disappointed to learn, however, that the studio is looking towards a PG-13 rating.“I can tell you that this is the one thing about running a studio and making these things that’s hard”, said Tull. “You want to not compromise and have the right level of intensity. The story and the director’s vision is what’s ultimately going to dictate that. Personally one of my favourite movies of all time is Lord of the Rings, which has a PG-13 rating.”

You can find out more about World of Warcraft over on SPOnG's dedicated game page.

Source: Warcraft Movie Blog


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