Star Trek Gets Wii-ed On: First Screens

Wii gets beamed up or some such cliché

Posted by Staff
Bethesda and ZeniMax Media have announced that they're bringing Star Trek to the Wii and PlayStation 2 in the form of Conquest.

The action's set in the Next Generation era, and blends strategy and combat. Players can control Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Dominion, and Breen forces in a push to take control of the galaxy. Hang on... is that the Federation way?

Anyway, you'll need to manage your empire (Bethesda's words) in turn-based strategy, then when combat kicks in you'll use the Wii control system to manoeuvre your ship from the bridge.

Bethesda tells us, “Strategically, you must effectively manage limited resources to expand your empire. You decide how to best achieve objectives by managing your fleets and admirals, building support structures, researching technology, and engaging your enemies in combat.”

All the above beams onto consoles in time for Christmas in the states for $29.99 (£14.70) on the Wii and $19.99 (£9.80) on the PS2.


deleted 3 Aug 2007 20:26
yeah another trek game to hope will be good but more likely wont be :-(
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