Rumour: Sixaxis To Control PSP

Imagine the possibilities…

Posted by Staff
Rumour: Sixaxis To Control PSP
A Sony patent application relating to a “control docking unit”, filed back in September 2005 has been unearthed today, showing how it might have been possible to control the PSP with a PS2 DualShock controller (see picture to the right).

The patent – for “a control docking unit configured to accept a portable processing unit and provide alternate control operation of the portable processing unit” - details how gamers could use a PS2 controller to play their PSPs as well as offering “additional functions, features, or enhanced operation” such as the (currently sorely-missed) rumble capabilities.

“The controls from the docking unit can be coupled to the portable processing unit using an electrical, mechanical, or electromechanical interface. The electrical interface can be a wired or wireless communication link.”

Speculation that the PS3’s Sixaxis controller might be used to control the newer, slimmer and generally all-round more attractive PSP begins right here.

SPOnG would love to see, for example, the reality of Formula One or other racing titles in which you could use the PSP screen as a wing mirror or rear view mirror. Imagine the possibilities!

Let us know how you think a Sixaxis-controlled PSP might be used, should it ever actually become a reality.

See the original patent right here.

source: Kotaku


Captain Chaos! 27 Jul 2007 11:28
SPOnG would love to see, for example, the reality of Formula One or other racing titles in which you could use the PSP screen as a wing mirror or rear view mirror. Imagine the possibilities!

Um yeah cant wait, sounds about as crap as gba/gc connectivity turned out to be

I mean, have another look at the picture. You'd look like a complete cock going around with that.
PreciousRoi 27 Jul 2007 11:37
actually I think the rear view mirror idea sounds cool...

and since the SIXAXIS is cordless, it wouldn't look anything like the picture, though one wonders how you'd work out holding the controller and PSP at the same time without a 3rd hand or looking like a complete cock, as you say.
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Captain Chaos! 27 Jul 2007 11:52
OK I agree with you that the rear view mirror sounds pretty cool for 2 minutes, but after that I cant think of any more interesting applications.

and anyway a rear view mirror is already embedded on your tv screen - in the right place! If you used this psp/sixaxis set up you would have to look down at your hands to look up behind you.

I'm back where I started, its a crap idea.
realvictory 27 Jul 2007 15:11
It could be used as a GPS style map in games, maybe, like in GTA. Or maybe you could use it as a physical gadget in an adventure game. You could just use the new TV out thing and then even play PS1 games on your TV.
PreciousRoi 28 Jul 2007 09:45
meh, you could clip it to the top of yer LCD or something...besides, its an added capability, if I can glance down and get useful information its worthy.

Of course knowing Sony, they'll develop this feature, then abandon it with the next hardware revision as a cost cutting measure...
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