Universe At War: Epic New Video

Get your tinned goods at the ready...

Posted by Staff
Universe At War: Epic New Video
In these days of terrifying U.S. foreign policy and TV-induced de-sensitisation to violence, SPOnG tends to shrug off mention of war with an apathetic "Meh". However, when the footage below came onto the BBC news this morning of the whole universe at war, however: well, that got our attention.

After we'd finished quivering under the table then looting the local Morrisons for canned goods, of course, we realised that we weren't in fact looking at the news and instead were looking at the new Universe at War video SEGA had sent our way. After feeling foolish for a few minutes SPOnG was able to shrug the whole thing off. You can never, after all, have too many canned goods.

Now the smoke has cleared and we're all tucking into Bestbuy cans of beans with sausages in, we decided to share our experience. When you're done, you can find out more about Universe at War on SPOnG's dedicated game page or go sign up for the game's beta testing.



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