Certain younger members of the SPOnG staff are not afraid of a bit of hair product. They use it regularly, in fact. What we've seen in this latest
Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer, however: that's just plain alarming. Below you'll find the craziest wedge of hair ever to hail from the back of a woman's head. It's unnerving, and if you watch the video below don't say we didn't warn you. Clearly some kind of new, top secret technology's at work. Snake's going to have his work cut out for him.
On a less, well, hairdressery front, keep your eyes out for the blood splatter, mouth-frothing, puking and even the chap who can't control his bladder... very lovely for Friday 13th.
On the upside it all looks very nicely done, so SPOnG recommends putting aside your fears of hair witchcraft and taking a look. It might, after all, be one of the
last chances you get to see Snake in action.For more on
Metal Gear Solid 4, check out SPOnG's
dedicated game page.