Halo 3: First Single Player Video Inside!

PLUS: First image of Halo-themed Xbox 360

Posted by Staff
Well, the wait is finally over. Bungie just couldn't wait a moment longer to show off the campaign mode for Halo 3, and SPOnG has the goods below.

With the Halo 3 multiplayer beta having made its appearance, details of the game's multiplayer mode have been plentiful. The single-player mode, however, has been kept largely under wraps. In this video you'll see elites, hunters, and other Halo 3 goodness we've not yet seen.

What was dangled before us last month was the list of Halo 3 achievements, posing the question: 'What the hell is a Halo meta game?'

Also shown below is the Halo-themed 360 which is, according to Bungie, "HDMI-equipped". Presumably that means the version of the 360 in question will be an Elite. Bungie promises "much more on that" later, so keep your eye on SPOnG for more details.

You can find out more on Halo 3 on SPOnG's dedicated game page.



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