SPOnG's said it before, and we'll say it again. We - Love - Giant - Transforming - Robots! It goes without saying, then, that when the cinematic introduction for Activision's
Transformers spilled its metallic guts over our screens this morning, we felt the need to share it with the world.
SPOnG even clings to the hope that this might prove to be something of a crossover game for members of the fairer, better-smelling sex. It was with some surprise that SPOnG looked across the table of its local all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurant last week to see one of our female acquaintances ask, nay, demand (and not without indignation bordering on anger), “When's that bloody
Transformers film out?”
Needless to say, she'll be harassed into trying her hand at the game when it hits on July 20th. Transforming robots and '80s cartoon nostalgia are for girls too, folks!
You can find out more about
Transformers on SPOnG's
dedicated game page.