Pirates of the Caribbean: Swashbuckling New Trailer

It's all about the game-play, "Savvy"?

Posted by Staff
Pirates of the Caribbean: Swashbuckling New Trailer
Disney has just released this new trailer for Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End and, believe it or not, it shows actual gameplay! We kid you not...

Bucking the trend of just chucking out endless cinematic trailers, it looks like the recently renamed Disney is trying to sell the latest Pirates game on the strength of its own content. The content in question shows Captain Jack Sparrow risking life and limb to battle Davy Jones on the edge of a whirlpool. Good luck to him, we say.

Keep your eyes on SPOnG's dedicated game page for all the latest on At World's End.


tyrion 23 May 2007 12:39
Maybe I'm just used to God of War or even, you know, the PotC films, but that combat looks slow and tedious to me.
TimSpong 23 May 2007 13:20
tyrion wrote:
Maybe I'm just used to God of War or even, you know, the PotC films, but that combat looks slow and tedious to me.

Agreed, but at least they've been brave enough to actually show some game play on a trailer instead a slab of beautiful, edge-cutting, totally unrelated to actual gaming footage.

I reckon that it should be illegal (and punishable by public humiliation with stocks, sharp sticks and rotten fava beans) to put out game trailers that don't show game play.

But I always was a bit of a wet liberal hippy.
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