Darts On DS

What's the point?

Posted by Staff
In a continuation of this afternoon's Sega/Nintendo love-fest, Sega has just announced Sega Presents Touch Darts. SPOnG has the first screens below.

Sega's promising a stylised mix of individual darts competitions, mini-games and “amusing” multiplayer modes. While the thought of a darts game would normally send SPOnG crying to the pub where it can play real darts, the DS touch screen might just make this worth playing.

Sega Presents Touch Darts is due out this summer. If it proves to be any good you might just find the SPOnGers nursing their pints with DS in hand, instead of small pointy objects at our weekly Darts Night.


Absinthe-Review.net 9 Apr 2007 18:09
I love the Wii and DS to death, but this is simply another prime example of not a poor concept or concerns of playablity, but where a game is lacking in terms of CONTENT. Warioware Wii? LOVED IT! Too bad you could complete it in an afternoon...and it still costs $50! Where was the 450+ mini games that could fit in the original GBA version?! This has under 300! Inexcusable!

If titles are going to be good, but very bare-bones in terms of content I believe they should be a budget title, regardless of the franchise or big developer name. I just feel ripped-off otherwise...

So please Sega, if this is the extent of what you are offering with this game...$14.99 or less, if you will...
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