Halo 3 Pre-Orders Open

GAME taking Xbox 360's golden game orders

Posted by Staff
Halo 3 Pre-Orders Open
Retailer GAME has just announced that it is now taking pre-orders for the Xbox-beloved Halo 3 in the United Kingdom.

As we revealed last week, three packs are available for the game:

Standard Edition (£39.99)

Limited Collectors Edition (£49.99) - includes A 'sleek' metal case and "a host of bonus material".

Legendary Edition (£69.99) - includes "a wealth of documentaries" and comes packaged in a "rare" Spartan helmet.

To find out more about GAME's Halo 3 ordering right here:


Hypnotoad 27 Mar 2007 00:03
GAME paying you for that? Cause they should.
tyrion 27 Mar 2007 08:06
Hypnotoad wrote:
GAME paying you for that? Cause they should.

Nope! Guess what? Microsoft aren't paying us either, Sony aren't paying us for the PS3 launch coverage and Dave Perry didn't pay us to tell you all about his new game.

We are a news site and all of the above are news stories either worthy of your attention or that we feel you may be interested in. We have a lot of Xbox fans who read the site and the fact that Game has now opened up pre-orders for Halo3 is interesting to them.

Maybe we shouldn't report on any commercial endeavours at all? We are just giving them free advertising after all.
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