New Bioshock Trailer in Easy-O-Vision

All the latest and best videogame trailers on the SPOnGtube

Posted by Staff
New Bioshock Trailer in Easy-O-Vision
Bioshock is out later this year. SPOnG likes it. We’ve told you why time and time again.

If you've not been paying attention at the back and need to know why then check out our Bioshock page or our lengthy preview from E3 last year.

If you need to feast your eyes on the latest lengthy Bioshock 'Hunting the Big Daddy' trailer, right here on SPOnG’s all new SPOnGtube (you do) then merely click, sit back and watch.

Oh, by the way, it's fcuking huge. But worth the wait.



king skins 7 Mar 2007 12:39
This looks amazing! Looking forward to this one :)
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