Conan Comes To Xbox 360 and PS3 – Arrgh!

The Cimmerian makes it to the next-generation

Posted by Staff
Conan Comes To Xbox 360 and PS3 – Arrgh!
Conan is the first release from THQ’s deal to develop games based on Robert E. Howard’s Cimmerian books and comics – and is due out in early 2008.

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of its first published story, the game is being eveloped by Nihilistic Software (Vampire: The Masquerade, Marvel: Nemesis and Starcraft: Ghost).

According to THQ, the forthcoming title features a story, “…of epic brutality, sheer evil and visceral combat. Players will follow the journey of Conan the Cimmerian as he fights a vicious battle against a variety of enemies and an elusive power that threatens to consume the Hyborian world.

“Playing as Conan, players will take advantage of a deep and gratifying combat system that offers a variety of deadly weapons, fighting styles and interactive environments to battle hordes of enemies.”



PistolPete 26 Feb 2007 19:05
Well lets hope it has a more successful outcome than 'Ghost'..
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