Crackdown: More 'Down' Than 'Crack'?

Developer sees Crackdown as tough sell

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SPOnG's had all the 'Crackdown' puns it can take
SPOnG's had all the 'Crackdown' puns it can take
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Crackdown developer David Jones has made some frank comments about the game's lack of appeal. Speaking to MTV about the marketing of Crackdown the Real Time Worlds founder said, "This game does not look good in screenshots."

Elaborating, he said "That is probably the biggest thing I've struggled with… In screenshots, it pales in [comparison] to a great-looking, realistic-looking shot."

That said, he doesn't think the game's bad, just a hard sell. "Like we've always said: It's a game player's game. It's not something that's going to sell in screenshot." He says that once players get into the game it will start to appeal more.

So, it's a gradual sell, apparently. In the focus groups players were unimpressed for the first 15 minutes or so. "People weren't quite sure, because at that level, you're kind of like most characters in most other games," said Jones. As their characters started to strengthen up and do all the jumping-over-building type stuff the game promises players started to brighten up, Jones reckons.

It's because of all the above that Halo 3 Beta access was thrown in with the game. "We kind of knew 'Crackdown' would need as much help as it could get to get into players' hands…90 percent of the fight is just getting people to try something."

Which is all fair enough. SPOnG's all for giving something a go before passing judgement. But those are hardly fighting words, are they? Maybe, if Real Time Worlds wants to make games that sell, it should make games that are more accessible and visually appealing in individual screens? Apparently not. "Somebody's got to take risks," was Jones's response to the suggestion.

Crackdown will hit UK shops on February 15th. SPOnG will wait until then before it passes judgement. If, however, you've played the demo and want to let us know what you think then head on down to the Forum.

Read our initial Crackdown hands-on right here!

Source: MTV


SuperSaiyan4 6 Feb 2007 12:24
This game is the biggest pile of rubbish I have ever played it seems to be a mix of everything and ends up being garbage. It feels very experimental that its trying to be something else and fails miserably.
I knew this game was going to be cack before it was even shown as a demo and proves it further but not only adding HALO 3 but confirming the game to be a hard sell and had to include the beta in order to sell the game...

I am a huge Halo fan but there is no way I am purchasing a totally rubbish game just for a beta key they can stick this game in the bin, I can wait for the REAL full on experience HALO 3 when its ready.
RiseFromYourGrave 6 Feb 2007 22:18
"Somebody's got to take risks,"

yeah, but not you and your team it would seem
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spicicles 6 Feb 2007 22:52
I was totally uninterested in this game 2 weeks ago, screens looked like crap and the main turn off to me was it was another GTA clone.

Now I have played the demo I count the hours till its release. This is a must have 360 game.

The "Halo Beta" isn't there because the game is crap - far from it; it's there to get people to buy it. Todays gameplayers aren't known for their love of things that are new - it seems to me that if a game doesn't have a number after its name it doesn't warrant purchase/be any good.

colombo355 7 Feb 2007 08:26

The demo is superb, great to see someone taking risks and it paying off.
king skins 7 Feb 2007 13:45
After playing the demo I thought this game was ace and co-op will be wikkid.

Really looking forward to think one. The only thing that disappointed me was some of the anamation and the mêlée attack was weak.
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