Free Pro Evo 6 Demo

Yes, FREE – Konami’s Soccerball demo on Xbox Live today

Posted by Staff
In case you somehow managed to miss this year’s PES boat, you might be interested to learn that a free demo of Konami’s Pro Evolution Soccer 6 has just popped up in Xbox Live Marketplace, weighing in at a sizeable 1.31GB.

This year’s FIFA versus PES battle has been far less clear-cut than in recent years, with many (including us) noting the massive improvements EA has made to the next gen (now Current-Gen, we suppose) version of its FIFA game on the 360.

You can read SPOnG's full review of FIFA 07 for Xbox 360 here to find out why we were nicely surprised and impressed with the game this year.

However, despite PES 6 offering few major surprises, it still gets played more in our office than any other game, which pretty much says it all we suppose.

If you have yet to play both or either games then you now have no excuse, as there is also a free demo of FIFA 07 available on Marketplace.

Well, unless you don’t have an Xbox 360 with Xbox Live Gold membership, in which case you would have a fairly robust excuse for not downloading either of these rather good soccerball demos.


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