Legend of the Dragon: Kids TV Favourite Heads to Wii

Courtesy of the good people at The Game Factory

Posted by Staff
If you have younger brothers, nephews, sons (yes, obviously they’re going to be younger, unless you used a TARDIS) or daughters of an individual bent, then you’ll be familiar with Legend of the Dragon, the hit BBC kids’ show, which The Game Factory is to make into a Wii videogame later in 2007.

Henrik Mathiasen, Game Factory’s President, said of the release, “We are delighted to be publishing for the Nintendo Wii. While the Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3 next-gen consoles have really captured the imagination of the more mature gamer, at Game Factory we’re really excited about the potential impact Nintendo’s Wii will have on the children’s market, as this is obviously our forte.”

For the uninitiated, The Legend of the Dragon story begins against the backdrop of China’s sacred temples as a new Golden Dragon is selected - the honourable title given to the chosen warrior set to fight the evil Zodiac Master, Woo Yin.

The Golden Dragon, Ang Leung’s sister Ling, is a bit put out that he gets all the glory and defects to the dark side.

The cel-shaded game gives players the opportunity to play as one of 19 Zodiac-themed characters, each with unique fighting techniques, strengths, movements and magical wristbands which transform them into the exact likenesses and superhuman powers of the zodiac creature they represent.

SPOnG was sure there were only 12 signs of the Zodiac, but who are we to get all astrological about it?

The game will also feature “a real-time spellcasting system” that “enhances the classic experience of a fighting arcade style of gameplay in addition to blending RPG elements through various available power-ups.” Plus plenty of the locations from the cartoon series as destructible combat areas, including Hong Kong Bay, The Dragon Dojo and The Great Wall of China.

Basically, if you are a ten-year old boy with a Wii (or perhaps a thirty-something with the mind /gaming proclivities of a ten-year old) you are going to want this game next spring.

See SPOnG's dedicated Legend of the Dragon page for all the latest art, info and screens.


Ilaria Lambertini 25 Jul 2010 16:10
Ciao Xuan, ti volevio chuiederti una cosa, sei bellissimoo. Non ci posso credere Maicol Gecson I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Ilaria Lambertini 25 Jul 2010 16:15
Hello Ang, thank you very much or thenk iu veri match
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