The People's Republic of Ryzom

Gamers hoping to buy on-line game and make code available for all

Posted by Staff
The game up for grabs
The game up for grabs
The Free Ryzom campaign is hoping to purchase The Saga of Ryzom's rights from its current owners, Nevrax. If successful, Free Ryszom plans to make the underlying code Open Source.

Judges and liquidators will decide on Monday whether Nevrax can continue in its current form. If not, its assets will be sold and Free Ryzom will get its chance. The campaign's organisers are raising funds through pledges and so far say they have 60,000 euros.

Free Ryzom might be able to purchase the game for as little as 10,000 euros if there's no other interest, as the sale will be pushed through as quickly as possible. If other parties are interested the price may go up into the hundreds of thousands.

Potentially a huge development for MMORPGs, this will be the first time a commercial game of this type has entered the public domain.

"The game won't change, it’s more the way people will use it" said Xavier Antoviaque, an ex-employee of Nevrax and founder of the campaign.

"Rather than just consuming the game, everyone will be able to contribute to it."

The first truly democratic gaming world. Or, possibly, a right bloody mess. Time will hopefully tell.


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