WoW subscriptions gross over £1,350,000,000 per annum

Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Dated - Details here

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Oh my god! He killed Kenny!
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South Park’s Trey Parker’s favourite MMO developer, Blizzard has just sent SPOnG word that the new Burning Crusade expansion to the crack-like addictive World of Warcraft is set to be released on 16th January in Europe and North America.

Blizzard also informs us that the current subscriber base for WoW - the world’s leading subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game - is a whopping 7.5 million paying users worldwide. The key word in that last sentence, in case you missed it, was paying – unlike certain tedious over-hyped, technologically-disappointing, 3D chatrooms we could mention.

So, let’s take a closer look at these figures. If we estimate that each of these 7.5 million paying users is shelling out around the equivalent of $15 WoW subs a month that means that the approximate monthly income to Blizzard/Vivendi from subscription alone is in the region of £112,500,000: a month. That’s a cool £1,350,000,000 per annum, which is also a conservative estimate if you consider that in the UK, the subs are £9 monthly - approximately US$17.

No wonder the guys at Blizzard can afford to laugh when South Park pokes fun at its game and its customers!

Blizzard’s filthy rich president Mike Morhaime, said of The Burning Crusade, that it “…will represent our single largest addition of new game content and new features to date. With this expansion, we’re looking forward to offering the same level of quality that players have experienced in World of Warcraft so far, and we’ll continue balancing and play-testing up until launch to ensure that The Burning Crusade achieves that goal.”

So what’s new about WoW: The Burning Crusade? The expansion offers a load of new content including an increase WOW's level cap to 70; the addition of two new races (Blood Elves and the Dranei) flying mounts, new talents and abilities for all character classes, the new jewel crafting profession, new magical weapons and armour, and many enhancements to player-vs-player action.

“In this shattered world, players will encounter new challenges and dangers in the form of new outdoor zones, quests, dungeons, never-before-seen monsters, and much more. Over the course of their new adventures in The Burning Crusade, players will grow in experience and power as they uncover the rich lore and mysteries of Outland and do battle with the demonic forces of The Burning Legion.”

A limited-edition ‘geek gold’ version of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade will be available on 16th January for PC and Mac.It will include, in addition to the expansion itself, the Art of the Burning Crusade coffee table book, an exclusive in-game pet, a behind-the-scenes DVD, a World of Warcraft Trading Card Game starter deck and exclusive cards, a map of Outland mouse pad and the official soundtrack CD.

One person who might like to play World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade might be former U.S. Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, now he’s got all this spare time on his hands that is.


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