EA Replay PSP Retrospective Confirmed

Syndicate, Strike and Road Rash all in.

Posted by Staff
It's hard to remember sometimes, but Electronic Arts wasn't always the byword for demographic manipulo-cynicism that some individuals bitterly take it for nowadays. Even as recently as last decade, they were responsible for some very good games.

Around a month ago, rumours spread that EA was working on a retrospective compilation for the PSP. The story spread by the time-honoured method of people spotting it available for pre-order on internet retail sites. Now the humungo-publisher has confirmed that the collection is indeed winging its way to the top end Sony handheld.

The selection shuns licensed EA Sports titles in favour of more creative intellectual properties, and if you played games at all in the 90s, it's impossible that you won't have played, and for that matter, loved plenty of these games. Here's a list in full:

Desert and Jungle Strike
Haunting Starring Polterguy
Mutant League Football
Road Rash I, II and III
Ultima: The Black Gate
Virtual Pinball
Wing Commander
Wing Commander: Secret Missions

We're particularly excited about the Strikes, Road Rash and Syndicate - we still cry ourselves to sleep sometimes at the memory of the Syndicate sequel that was aborted deep in the design phase at EA's UK Studio. What games on this list get your juices flowing, if any? And are there any glaring omissions? Let us know in the forum.


Joji 2 Sep 2006 11:20
Glaring ommissions indeed. Urban Strike and Sudden Strike aren't in there, but crappy B.O.B seems worthy somehow.

Come on EA, don't try to rip us off. Do some research and find out what games we want in that compilation before you fill it with crap.

Can't say they made many great games that I recall before the Strike series. How strange, their 80-90's back catalogue seems very small. I guess that's inndustry history for you.
crs117 5 Sep 2006 17:18
Lets get things straight here. EA owns all of Bull Frogs assets because they bought them out, and yes EA published Bull Frogs titles originally, but in no way do i hold EA responsible for the greatness that was the Syndicate series. Peter Molynoux (sp) is the brain behind that and its a complete shame that he no longer owns the IP to develop new games on it.

I would go crazy to hear of a new Syndicate sequal to be released, but i would be so scared to see how badly EA could screw up such a wonderful franchise.

I am excited to see Syndicate getting released and hopefully it will garner a large following...so much so that an update would be warrented...and hopefully by Molynoux (sp).
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