Dead Rising Demo on Xbox Live Today

Sick of zombies in shopping malls? This game is for you.

Posted by Staff
SPOnG spent a good part of yesterday hanging out in a massive shopping mall running over flesh-eating zombies with lawnmowers and stuff. A really rather pleasant way to while away a summer’s afternoon, say we.

Yes, you guessed it, we were playing Capcom’s Dead Rising, so watch this space for our full preview in the coming days. What is perhaps most enjoyable about the game is that you can actually almost believe that you really are in Generic American Everywhere-Mall, gleefully murdering the pasty-faced, zombie-fied inhabitants.

This is also slightly creepy, as the game unearthed previously hidden psychopathic tendencies in this particular SPOnG writer, which we will be speaking about in-depth to professionals in the very near future.

Worrying shopping mall mass murder fantasies aside, should you be an Xbox 360 owner with an Xbox Live account (which, if you aren’t, why not?) you can now pop over to Xbox Live Marketplace and download a demo of the game for yourself.

The full game, we were told by the zombie-hating fellows at Capcom, should provide at least a good 10 hours of full-on, rotting flesh destroying action.

You may remember that Dead Rising has already been getting heat from German retailers for its violent content.

What the Germans have against zombies is really beyond us. Here at SPOnG, in common with Michael Jackson*, we hate them, and we are glad to see Capcom openly encouraging the mass murder of their undead species.

*nb: Unlike Michael Jackson, we are not paedophiles, despite Andrew’s comments elsewhere about playing Sticky Belly Cock Flap with his nephews.


Joji 4 Aug 2006 16:31
Now this is what my wanting to get a 360 is all about. I'll be so desperate for this game, you might catch news reports of me clawing in a zombie like fashion at the promo poster in shop windows.

I know a good Capcom game when I see one and the E3 video had me well excited, being a big RE fan. All those zombies and so many ways to kill them, that were missing from the RE games.

I wonder if there's a Thriller dance cheat, where you tap in some buttons and all the zombies do a crazy dance with the your photographer leading them That would be very funny.

Hey, leave MJ alone, he's a bit of a mixed up chap with a child like mentality, but not enough to be a Glitterbug like paedo.
LUPOS 4 Aug 2006 17:18
SPOnG wrote:
playing Sticky Belly Cock Flap with his nephews

woah... I know we keep things loose and liberal around here but that sorta caught me off guard. If this is where the bar is currently at i shall have a bit more fun in my future submisions ;)

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