Sega slams EA and gives praise to Microsoft

Sega reply to EA's comments from last week

Posted by Staff
We reported recently that Electronic Arts’ president John Riccitiello had expressed that he thought Sega would have difficulties in producing quality titles for other gaming platforms aside from the Dreamcast. Riccitiello was reported to have said: "They're starting from scratch... It's not quite as though this is GM saying we'll make BMWs, but it's the same kind of proposition. They may look like BMWs, but I doubt if they'll drive like BMWs." Miaooow!

Sega of Europe disagrees somewhat, and has posted a reply of sorts on its news website. “Anybody remember Electronic Arts? Their staunch refusal to create anything at all for the DC has irked many and it seems the licence and sequel-obsessed publisher feels just a touch threatened by Sega's impending entry into direct competition with them. Quite how having 40 years of electronic entertainment experience amounts to ‘starting from scratch’ escapes us, but at least it shows how the notorious arrogance of EA (predominantly based as it is around the continued and baffling success of lukewarm sports titles, bolstered by bland celebrity endorsements and endless streams of identikit follow-ups) was something the DC was probably better without anyway.”

Sega went on to say that Microsoft’s response was somewhat more pleasing. “X-Box creators Microsoft are currently plotting a complimentary and diplomatic course with regard to Sega's transformation, with a spokesman sensibly saying: "I don't think anyone would deny that Sega have produced some of the most incredible first-party games in existence."”


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