Ex-Frag Doll Savages Former Colleagues

And sticks it to the man...

Posted by Staff
Plain V and Kat Slater V, just after sticking it to the man
Plain V and Kat Slater V, just after sticking it to the man
An ex Frag Doll has taken it upon herself to stick it to the man, attacking her former employer and pleading that her new exploit, essentially The Frag Dolls but unemployed and reduced to two in number, is something completely different in the world of gaming.

Former Frag Doll Voodoo, now called Siren, has set up VersuS, a new clan featuring two female members. The other one is called Vixen. See how completely different it is to the Frag Dolls already?

She explained, "Although we may have strong opinions, you can be sure of one thing, we're not here to endorse any product or sell you anything. If we say it, it's because we mean it, not because it pays our wage. We've both seen the perils and pitfalls of "selling out" and have learnt one vital lesson; if you love something then honesty, independence and freedom are the best path to take. We hope that you feel the same and are sick of just how invasive and abundant advertising has become. If so and you are ready to join the resistance, if you're ready to stick the Vs up to the advertisers... then welcome to VersuS!"

She then points out that this isn't a new girl gamer clan. In fact, the subject of gender never even entered their heads when they fell out with the last gaming clan that was all girls, and started this one. "On a similar note, we may both be girls who game but we are not here to wave the "girl gamer" flag. We believe that by drawing attention to gender you create a barrier that is otherwise irrelevant. In our experience "promoting girl gamers" can often be used as the cover story of big business trying to widen its market whilst still getting some pretty faces in the Magazines, in other words: Free advertising."

Oh no! Not PR, the practice of attaining coverage in entertainment media without paying for it! It's also worthy of note that none of the Frag Dolls were particularly attractive, the same could be said of Kat Slater and The Plain One in VersuS.

And on the gallery they included of themselves on the recently fledged site, "In a pre-emptive strike against the endlessly cynical we want to make it perfectly clear that we have a gallery because we are proud of ourselves, what we do, and what we stand for (and obviously to record our exploits.) On a completely honest level we enjoy posing and messing around with a camera as much as the next person - so hopefully you can relate to that and share the fun in it. It's all about relaxing and letting go, being comfortable and proud in yourself. Enjoying yourself with your friends. Hopefully our site can help promote and share a little of that fun."

Strange. We take pictures of all kinds of things, not us dressed in low-cut tops trying to look alluring while posing with a plastic Samurai sword and a BB gun. We just do that in the mirror and keep it a secret

We'll let you know how this entirely unconvincing revolution plays out...



king skins 13 Jul 2006 10:38
Versus is a pretty good Japanies Zombie film :)

No link to their site? I had to google it try and find it... only wanted to look at the pictures :(

Anyway didn't find their site, but I did find this....

LUPOS 13 Jul 2006 13:40
king skins wrote:
Versus is a pretty good Japanies Zombie film :)

indeed it is... published in the good old USofA by media blasters... where i am happily employeed... and as an FYI the director of that film also made "death trance" which we co produced and just relesased like two weeks ago... i've yet to watch it but im told if you liked "vs" then death trance is super great!

more comments below our sponsor's message
king skins 13 Jul 2006 14:11
LUPOS wrote:
king skins wrote:
Versus is a pretty good Japanies Zombie film :)

indeed it is... published in the good old USofA by media blasters... where i am happily employeed... and as an FYI the director of that film also made "death trance" which we co produced and just relesased like two weeks ago... i've yet to watch it but im told if you liked "vs" then death trance is super great!


/logs into online DVD rental and looks up "Death Trance"

:( its not listed, not even if I search by the director. So I added Azumi and Sky High, but the release of Sky High is still TBC for the UK.

I've got Fight Night 3 from my online DVD rental, been waiting to play ya on live but your never about lately. HAve you got Chromehounds?
LUPOS 13 Jul 2006 14:59
Death trance just came out here... i dunno if we put it out it EU but i can get ya a copy if you want... hit me with a msg on LIVE. Speaking of, barely get online at all latley... been moving for the past few weeks... was in cali for work for a week and have two freelance things goign on right now so i've doen scarcely little gaming as of late :/

Didn't get chrome hounds... the bit i played at e3 seemed to slow for my tastes... did pick up prey though. would love to get some fight night time in... perhaps this weekend?
king skins 13 Jul 2006 15:59
LUPOS wrote:
Death trance just came out here... i dunno if we put it out it EU but i can get ya a copy if you want... hit me with a msg on LIVE.

Would love a freebe!! :) much appreciated.

LUPOS wrote:
Didn't get chrome hounds... the bit i played at e3 seemed to slow for my tastes... did pick up prey though. would love to get some fight night time in... perhaps this weekend?

Gutted, I'm moving house tomorrow. I've just bought one, so the broadband gets cut off tomorrow and then activated at the new place on the 20th. So that weekend i'll be up for a fight.

Chromehounds is a little slow but I was hoping the online war would be good fun. The two online games I've managed have been a lot more intense and fun that the single player.

Hopefully I'll get stuck into that when my broadband is up and running again.
config 13 Jul 2006 16:28
Suggesting they're both munters is a bit harsh

In true UKR style (L-R); would, wouldn't

The one on the right looks like she's sporting proper wonky eyes.
DoctorDee 13 Jul 2006 20:02
LUPOS wrote:
i've yet to watch it but im told if you liked "vs" then death trance is super great!

I loved Versus, and am looking forward to Death Trance.
LUPOS 13 Jul 2006 22:11
DoctorDee wrote:
I loved Versus, and am looking forward to Death Trance.

Well you know how to reach me.

side note: we got the bazzoke prop and the main characters costuem on display in our loby... just got here liek two days ago... kinda cool.

DoctorDee 13 Jul 2006 22:39
LUPOS wrote:
side note: we got the bazzoke prop and the main characters costuem on display in our loby... just got here liek two days ago... kinda cool.

And to think that visitors to our offices think we're cool for our life-size Lara, Ash and Samus models.

But one IMDB reviewer described Death Trance thus : "Think of putting in John Woo, Billy Idol (!), Wuxia, Kiss Me Deadly, Hellraiser, Evil Dead 2, and Mad Max into a blender and add in a heavy metal soundtrack"

Sounds great!

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