Play 360 Pro Evolution Soccer 6 This August

In Leipzig...

Posted by Staff
The good thing about Germany (today) is that whilst they are not very good at real soccer (for reasons we identified earlier) they are very good at hosting world-beating videogames trade events, such as the Leipzig Game Convention being held next month, where - for the first time - you’ll be able to play Xbox 360 Pro Evolution Soccer 6.

That’s right. Months before all your mates get their mitts on it (November to be precise) you will be able to get a taster of the real beautiful game, with its charismatic creator Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka on hand to present it.

SPOnG suspects that Sir Seabass (as we shall call him for the duration of this story) knows more about football than most Germans, and as such, we plan to hold a survey in Leipzig and ask any Germans we see all about obscure 1970s English footballing events and heroes. A tenner says that Sir Seabass will score more points than anyone.

The Leipzig Game Convention is seen as the ultimate European gaming event, and opens its doors on August 23. SPOnG spoke to Konami’s UK PR fella this morning, who promised us an exciting drip-feed of Konami news over the coming weeks in the run up to the event.

If there is nothing we like more, its being drip-fed gobbets of information about amazing videogames. Of course, we are willing puppets in their PR game, but it sure beats being an accountant or a property lawyer specialising in private tenancy law, for example.

So there we go. Don’t listen to your parents or teachers. They know nothing. If you fancy going into some dull career where you won't be able to get to play amazing videogames such as Pro Evolution Soccer 6 on Xbox 360 months before anyone else, then feel free to ignore our advice.

Whatever career direction you choose, don't forget to check out SPOnG's dedicated Pro Evolution Soccer 6 page. If you should make the mistake of becoming an accountant or lawyer, then you are going to need this game to inject some much-needed fun into your grey, nine-to-five wage slave lifestyle.


warbaby 5 Jul 2006 21:47
I read "whilst they are not very good at real soccer", and stopped reading...

How about being nonbiased... Isn't that what reporting is all about? Germany still has the chance to nab third, England can cry about losing Beckham as captain...
Bentley 6 Jul 2006 00:36
Shame. I read the lot and found it quite amusing, and informative. And I didn't even write it myself. Did you ever hear the old term "tongue in cheek"? No, not those kind of cheeks.

A bit of playful banter about England's long-term footballing rivals is hardly crime of the century. Besides, it was highlighting a relevant news item. I see no point in waving the political correctness flag, and no point in me posting a response to you blowing something out of all proportion after you admit to not even reading the full article. Why, this is akin to slating a 3 hour film after only seeing the first 5 minutes. Or reading the title of a book and pronouncing it to be "a load of old nonsense". No, there is no point giving your complaint the time of day. But I will anyway, because that's what happens on the Internet.
hollywooda 7 Jul 2006 10:34
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