Europe takes centre stage as Sega and Pace finalise details of set-top DC box

Full spec on Sega's new set-top box thingy! No discs required!

Posted by Staff
Nice logo chaps!
Nice logo chaps!
In a press conference in America last night, English-based Pace Communications finalised the specifications for the upcoming set-top box which will include a shrunk down Dreamcast. The unit has been dubbed a PVR (Personal Video Recorder)

The unit will feature no GD, DVD or CD drive and will instead be an entirely online affair. Coming complete with a generic broadband adapter, the system will be able to access the Internet via satellite, cable and ADSL. Senior Pace vice president Andrew Wallace said the new device would, "create a new games business and new generation of game players." There’s nothing like setting your sights high, eh? By this, Wallace means that players will be able to browse a catalogue of Sega titles, hosted by the TV service provider. If a game is of interest, the payer can watch a video of the game in action. If they like what they see, a playable demo of the game may be downloaded, and if it comes up to scratch, be purchased online and stored on the system’s 40Gb hard-drive.

Games shown running on the system included Sonic Adventure 2, Crazy Taxi and Shenmue, all of which were played without any glitch. Also on display was Pace’s new window screen technology, which will allow gamers to play their Dreamcast titles in a mini window on screen, while the TV plays as normal in the background.

Is this the future you had planned for online gaming? Do you like to receive a box, manual and disc when you buy a game? A shelf full of games is a joy to behold, with many gamers building collections they are proud of. As the consumer, the future is in your hands.


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