EA and id clash over PS2 Quake 3 details exclusive

id puts its foot down over EA's modifications to the PlayStation 2 version of Q3. Read it only here!

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This used to be a woman!
This used to be a woman!
The full story behind why Electronic Arts is developing the PlayStation 2 version of Quake 3 is still unclear. From our source deep inside Electronic Arts’ Chertsey base, we have been made aware of some disagreements the two companies are having over the details of the final version.

Initially, the PlayStation 2 game was planned to be a direct port of the PC title, with little or no difference from its parent game. Since the first deal was reached between EA and id, the game plan has been changed somewhat. The PlayStation 2 title will be called Quake 3 Revolution, and will be almost the same as the recent PC title, Team Arena.

While the conversion was in its infancy, Electronic Arts decided to add a few details of its own, without asking the permission of the id team. Not a wise move. The first addition that EA’s development team made was to include a whole host of Unreal Tournament style speech taunts with characters saying things like “Too slow!” and “I am invincible!” These builds went from the development labs and right the way through beta testing phase before anyone thought of showing John Carmack’s team. They did not like it at all, and ordered EA to remove the speech immediately. id’s stance on the speech was that if it was a good idea, it would have already been included. A statement that seems as arrogant as it does true.

Another of Electronic Arts’ innovations to Quake 3 was the inclusion of several beautiful female characters. Again EA included these new characters in the final build without consulting id. The new Quake babes were glammed up to the eyeballs, in Quake-style sexy outfits. What could possibly be wrong with that? Surely a guaranteed seller. Well, id did not like it at all and scrapped all the new skins but one. This remaining babe was ordered to be “considerably mashed up” and will now appear with translucent eyeballs, rotting flesh and a giant scar down her face.

id did not want the hassle of programming the PlayStation 2 version of Quake 3 so it was farmed out to EA. We only hope that the game retains the qualities that made the PC and Dreamcast versions so much fun to play.


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