Final Fantasy XIII. Screens, Details, First

E3 meganews. Squeenix media blowout

Posted by Staff
The images you are looking at are freshly scooped up by SPOnG in the US from Square Enix. They portray Final Fantasy XIII. As in Final Fantasy 13. Thirteen. A whole new world, fully titled Final Fantasy XIII: Fabula Nova Crystallis.

Given the early heads up we are offering you, platform is unknown right now. However, there are two versions of FFXIII for two different platforms in development.

Enjoy. We have to run off now to write more goodness. Stay tuned, especially if you're a Square Enix fan...

By Joe Chagan


crovisu 8 May 2006 23:07
majin dboy 9 May 2006 01:00
u dirty whore
more comments below our sponsor's message
raiser 9 May 2006 02:39
first? thats laughable.. everyone been posting these pics like they "exclusive"
config 9 May 2006 13:15
Given that your comment comes about four hours after the first poster's, I suspect you're not in any position to pass out judgement on who posted what first.
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