Ouya is Same Size as a Rubik's Cube

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Ouya is Same Size as a Rubik's Cube
Some folks don't think too highly of Ouya - the hackable console-in-development that uses Android, has free games and has raised some $5,00-0,000+ via Kickstarter. One person definitely disagrees.

That person is Fuseproject's Yves Béhar (the man behind One Laptop for Child). He is currently designing the box that others are slamming as vapourware. He has provided some idea of the size of the project - literally.

"I don't know what others are doing in the future, but we have made a deliberate attempt to go away from current shapes...our console is quite small, around the size of a Rubik's cube, and so it will easily fit anywhere in a room, or be easy to throw in a backpack."

He tells Kotaku.

More on Ouya here.


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