Alworths Rises From Woolworths Ashes, Sells Games

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Alworths Rises From Woolworths Ashes, Sells Games
It’s a Woolworths Deathmatch! Fight! First it was Wellworths to rise from the chain store’s ashes, and now it’s Alworths. The latter is headed up by Woolies’ former development boss, Andy Latham, and aims to stock games within its planned 200 stores nationwide.

Five Alworths stores were launched in market town locations last month, and Latham hopes to open at least 17 more next year. A team has been formed to handle the entertainment section, which will focus on family-friendly games and i-Globe will apparently be supplying peripherals.

“We will stock some of those can’t-resist games, but we expect out family range to be the focus - with Wii and DS at the centre of our offer,” Latham said to MCV.

So which one will be better, Wellworths or Alworths? Do you know what? We’ll probably let Harry Hill field that one.


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