It turns out that Sully owes some money to some Very Bad Men (why is it always Very Bad Men to whom the hapless heroes of adventure yarns become indebted? Why do they never learn from the experience of earlier and frequently much more broken-kneed adventurers? Why don’t they borrow money from some Very Nice Men?).
Anyway, Sully and Nate ditch "the broad" and head off to find Old Drakey's lost (or hidden) treasure with which Sully intends to pay off his gambling debts. Or maybe he'll just put it all on a single spin of the wheel - red or black
From here on in the game is a whirl of walking around, climbing on ledges and hanging from projections as circumstances carry you ever onward towards Old Drakey's treasure which, as drama demands, remains tantalisingly out of reach.
During the game, the aforementioned Very Bad Men do their level best to frustrate your progress. Your best way of resisting their attempts is to shoot them - in the head - is with a range of weapons you'll find conveniently lying around the area of combat.
Now, the validity of gun control is something that has been lengthily and repeatedly discussed in the SPOnG Forum but no-one would disagree, I hope, that leaving MP4 and AK-47 machine guns lying around is a bad idea in normal circumstances. For the purposes of the game, however, the range of weapons you'll find lying around is extensive, and you'll quickly find your own preferred piece.

You can only carry one handgun and one long-barrelled weapon at a time. When you drop an opponent, he'll drop his weapon; yes all the baddies are male, blatant sexism. You can then benefit from the death of the baddy. If he drops the same kind of weapon as you are using, you collect extra ammo. If he drops a different weapon, using the [Δ] button will drop your weapon and equip his. If this turns out to be a mistake - if his weapon is low on ammo, for instance, you can pick yours back up. Once dropped, weapons tend to remain on the floor for effectively the rest of the game - this may not be completely true, but they certainly remain for as long as it is practical to loop back for them.
Some weapons are required for certain tasks, such as shooting off padlocks to open gates, so you'll need to swap weapons occasionally. A Mini-9mm and an AK47 should see you through the whole game, at least until the last few levels where the gameplay changes so dramatically and so swiftly that your weapon choice might do also.
The combat style is largely one of crouch and snipe. Pressing the [O] button when you are near an object will cause Nate to take cover behind that object. From here you can use the [L1] button to target, and the [R1] to shoot. While you are targeting, you are above cover, and susceptible to taking hits.
Early in the game, it will take several hits to kill you - even then you will reincarnate automatically and rarely more than a minute or so earlier in your progress than where you died. As the game progresses, enemies with laser-sighted sniper rifles or rocket launchers can take you out with a single shot. By then you'll probably be well enough practised in hide’n’shoot techniques to handle them successfully.