Title | Released | Genre | Platforms |
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
2009-2009 | Adventure: Role Playing |
DS/DSi Cartridge |
Line Attack Heroes
2009 | Platform |
Wii DVD |
Professor Layton and Pandoras Box
Also known as Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box |
2009 | Adventure Puzzle |
DS/DSi Cartridge |
Kirby Superstar Ultra
2009 | Platform |
DS/DSi Cartridge |
Pokémon HeartGold Version
2009-2010 | Adventure: Role Playing |
DS/DSi Cartridge DS/DSi Cartridge |
Metroid Prime Trilogy
2009 | Shoot 'Em Up |
Wii DVD |
Style Savvy
2009 | Simulation |
DS/DSi Cartridge |
Active Health With Carol Vorderman
2009 | Activity: Health & Fitness Educational: Guides & Reference |
DS/DSi Cartridge |
Wii Sports Resort
2009 | Sport |
Wii DVD |
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Also known as Dragon Quest IX: Protectors of the Starry Sky |
2009-2010 | Adventure: Role Playing |
DS/DSi Cartridge |
Another Code R: A Journey into Lost Memories
2009 | Adventure |
Wii DVD |
The Legendary Starfy
2009 | Platform |
DS/DSi Cartridge |
New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
2009 | Rhythm: Timing |
Wii DVD |
Walk With Me!
Also known as Walk With Me! Do You Know Your Walking Routine? |
2009 | Activity: Health & Fitness |
DS/DSi Cartridge |
Also known as Punch Out Wii!!, Punch Out!!, Punch-Out Wii |
2009 | Sport: Boxing |
Wii DVD |