Xbox controller colour – you decide

More “Microsoft listens to gamers” stuff.

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Xbox controller colour – you decide
Microsoft’s Xbox division has, in all fairness, been the best at listening to what gamers want out of a controller, with the Controller S taking its place as one of the best gaming pads ever made. Some may argue that this was merely because the initial, gigantic controller release was unusable, but not us.

This time around, Microsoft is asking what colour you want your controller to come in, for reasons best explained by Bill Nielsen, director of Xbox brand marketing. “Gamers told us they love the Controller S, but thought it would be fun to have it in different colours. We're taking their advice, and are going one step further by asking them to help us make the decision about what colours to offer. Black and green will continue to be the primary colours of Xbox, but we're looking to have a little fun by adding a few bold new shades into the mix.”

So, as war brews and the world becomes increasingly unstable, have your say on this important matter now, at the official Xbox website,


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