Vivendi sell-off chatter emerges again

Will it ever end...?

Posted by Staff
Vivendi sell-off chatter emerges again
More frenzied talk has emerged overnight pinpointing Microsoft as the firm apparently sniffing the bum of Vivendi's gaming division, with an eye to making a purchase.

Arvind Bhatia of SWS Securities, (battier than what?) has gone on record to say, "Microsoft is trying to give customers a reason to buy the Xbox. These titles from Vivendi would be exclusive on Xbox. Microsoft still needs more killer applications to give Sony a run for its money." Which seems an impressively bold statement to make given how it's backed up.

Bhatiia's argument stems from the fact that Blizzard, complete with Warcraft, and Valve's Counter-Strike franchises are highly sought after commodities, especially to Microsoft, looking to bolster its Xbox offering. However, neither has been proven on any home console format, and Microsoft is unlikely to be willing to take a billion dollar risk on that.

So, as ever, the quick-tongued bean counter are shown to be exactly what they are. Bean counters, this time reacting to a rumour started by people we personally know in the games industry some weeks ago.

The worrying thing is that these people are charges with running the world's economies, and ensuring our futures. God help us all.


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