Microsoft Debunks Amazon's Xbox One November 27 Launch Date

It's just a placeholder.

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Microsoft Debunks Amazon's Xbox One November 27 Launch Date
Is the Xbox One launching in the UK on November 27? Well, if it is, Microsoft is being coy about it. The company denied that it had set an official release date for the console after retailer Amazon listed it with that specific date.

"We have not informed our retail partners about a specific launch date for the Xbox One," said a Microsoft representative. "It is commonplace for retailers to put placeholders dates and prices into our system until they are given a specific date and price. We are excited to release the Xbox One in November 2013."

The date listed by Amazon would place the Xbox One's release a day before the all-important Black Friday Thanksgiving sales holiday in the US. Meanwhile, two European retailers have listed Sony's PlayStation 4 launch date as November 13, which also has not been confirmed.

Whatever the dates are, you can be sure that it's going to be one hell of a contest between the two platform holders.

Source: IGN


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