Ouya, the crowd-funded Android console, will miss its promised launch date of June 4. It will now arrive on store shelves on June 25, in a bid to meet "greater than expected" retail demand."We've had incredibly positive reactions from our retail partners, and so in order to meet their greater than expected demand, we decided to shift the launch date by three weeks, which will allow us to create more units and basically have more units on store shelves in June," Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman told
The launch slip follows mixed early reviews of the console hardware, sent to backers of the original Kickstarter initiative that brought development of Ouya to life. Criticism has ranged from an inelegant user interface, outdated specifications and controller design niggles. Some of these issues will be rectified when the console launches into stores proper, according to the company.
Either way, more time to secure stock is probably a good idea,
considering that UK retailer GAME pledged to support the console and has been taking pre-orders since March.