Valve: "No ETA" for Xbox 360 Left 4 Dead 2 Cold Stream DLC

PC and Mac version free, already available.

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Valve: "No ETA" for Xbox 360 Left 4 Dead 2 Cold Stream DLC
Left 4 Dead 2's latest expansion pack, Cold Stream, has finally arrived for PC and Mac users, over a year longer than originally expected. But, Xbox 360 gamers are out of luck for the time being - the DLC will hit Xbox Live Marketplace at a later date. And unlike the PC version, it won't be free.

According to an update on its Twitter page, Valve is "working with Microsoft on a release schedule," meaning that no date has yet to be determined. "We don't have an ETA yet but we hope to have it out soon." The expansion pack will cost Xbox 360 players 560 Microsoft Points.

Along with the Cold Stream campaign, you'll be able to get modified versions of Left 4 Dead’s campaigns – Death Toll, Dead Air, Blood Harvest, and Crash Course - which you'll be able to play through using characters and weapons from L4D2.


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