While large, console-focused publishers lumber along excreting methodical, effective and safe shooters, sports titles and movie tie-ins, Valve has woken up and will introduce 'Greenlight', "a new system that enlists the community's help in picking some of the next games to be released on Steam."Valve - which runs the PC-centric Steam game distribution system (currently competing with EA's Origin) states that, "Developers post information, screenshots, and videos for their game and seek a critical mass of community support in order to get selected for distribution. Steam Greenlight also helps developers get feedback from potential customers and start creating an active community around their game as early in the development process as they like."
For developers, Steam says that, "We encourage you to post information about your game as early in the development process as you are comfortable with. Greenlight will let you define whether you are posting your game as a concept/early build or as a playable game that is nearing completion.
"We ask that you only define your game as 'playable game' if you have a playable build that demonstrates the gameplay mechanics and at least one level of your game. Otherwise, please classify your submission as 'concept' until its far enough along that the community can reasonably evaluate the mechanics, scope, and style of your game. Either way, you will probably get great feedback and a good start in building a community of fans around your game."
It is an idea so obvious and of such elegant cleverness in terms of both consumer and developer inclusion that we're amazed that none of the big publishers have thought of it before.
No, we're kidding, we're not surprised at all. Greenlight is due to go live at the end of August.
More info here. Greelight is here.